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Inazuma Eleven - review

by cortjezter
25 August 2011
GN Version 4.0

Entirely stylus-driven, the only quibbles we had with the football were the arbitrary nature of the fouls the ref gave and the poor AI of your players once they got the ball. Stylus direction was almost mandatory once they got near the penalty area, or they’d just run straight forward. Dumb as sticks. Anyway, non-football fans can rest assured that this area of the game stands up really well.

In fact, the title as a whole stands up really well. The graphics are cute and clear, with the animations for the special moves a particular highlight. They reminded us of our characters in Dragon Quest IX, which is no surprise as Level-5 worked on both titles. The cut-scenes are beautiful, even if the voices feel strange – dubbing does not suit the action, we’re afraid, particularly when Mark Evans sounds exactly like Luke from the Professor Layton games! The music varies from decent to strong, but the effects let the side down (arf) by being a little functional.

Check out the full review at the source link!