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UK - Nintendo teams up with Dogs Trust, The Saturdays to promote proper dog care

by rawmeatcowboy
30 August 2011
GN Version 4.0

- teaming up with the charity Dogs Trust to raise awareness in a campaign called 'A dog is not a toy'
- goal is to train children about dog ownership
- campaign is also backed by The Saturdays
- also includes a Junior Canine Carer competition that will give five kids the chance to win a Nintendo 3DS, nitnendogs + cats and a chance to go behind the scenes of a Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre and be a part of the charity’s Canine Carer team for a day.

"We’re really excited to be working with Dogs Trust on this initiative. Walking around Dogs Trust rehoming centres and seeing dogs that have been handed in because their owners couldn’t cope with their behaviour serves as a wake-up call. We believe that if nintendogs + cats can help just a handful of kids to stop and think about what is involved before buying a dog, this initiative will be a success." - Dawn Paine, Marketing Director at Nintendo
