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Square-Enix - TGS 2011 lineup

by rawmeatcowboy
31 August 2011
GN Version 4.0

Final Fantasy Type-0 (PSP): Playable, Video
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3/X360): Playable, Video
Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 3 (3DS): Playable, Video
Kingdom Hearts 3D (3DS): Playable, Video
Itadaki Street Wii (Wii): Playable, Video
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (3DS): Playable, Video
Deus Ex (PS3/X360): Video
Dragon Quest Collection (Wii): Video
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (PS3/X360/Win): Video
Chaos Rings 2 (iOS): Video

Square Enix's partners

Child of Eden (PS3/X360): Playable
Driver San Francisco (PS3/X360): Playable
Assassin's Creed Revelations (PS3/X360): Playable
Rage (PS3/X360): Playable
Cooking Mama 4 (3DS): Playable (in Family Corner)
Camping Mama + Papa (DS): Playable (in Family Corner)
Craft Mama (DS): Playable (in Family Corner)
Baby Sitter Mama (Wii): Playable (in Family Corner)
