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Aonuma never finished Legend of Zelda, inspired by A Link to the Past

by rawmeatcowboy
08 September 2011
GN Version 4.0
"I’ve never actually finished it (Legend of Zelda). I almost feel like there’s still no game more difficult than it. Every time I try to play it I end up getting 'Game Over' a few too many times and giving up partway through. Certainly after playing the original Zelda for the first time, I didn’t ever think that I wanted to make a game like that." - Eiji Aonuma

Funny how the man that steers the Zelda series today has never actually beaten the first game. You would think that would be a prerequisite! Instead, it seems that Aonuma's love of the series comes from the SNES outing.

"That sense of exploration of the world itself (in ALttP) was really where I latched on to the series."
