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TGS 2011 sees first public day attendance record, brings long lines

by rawmeatcowboy
17 September 2011
GN Version 4.0
- 86,200 people visited TGS on the 17th
- this is the highest single day figure ever for the show
- certain games used ticketing systems to avoid huge lines
- 1,200 Monster Hunter 3G tickets ran out within 45 minutes of the show's start
- Sengoku Basara 3 Utage had players waiting 180 minutes for its PS3 version and 120 minutes for its Wii version
- Resident Evil Revelations yielded 150 minute waits
- Namco Bandai and Arc System Works ran out of hte 1,200 tickets for their Idolmaster 2 and BlazBlue stage events
