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Level-5, Capcom go into detail on Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney's development

by rawmeatcowboy
22 September 2011
GN Version 4.0
The following information comes from Level 5 CEO, Akihiro Hino, and Capcom director, Shuu Takumi...

- both wanted to try something completely new with this game
- Takumi felt that the idea of a collaboration is something he’d never seen before
- Hino had been the one to originally bring the idea to Takumi
- the goal was to surpass the Ace Attorney series when creating Professor Layton
- Hino wanted Layton and Wright to join arms one day and fight together
- Takumi wanted the game to be in a place where magic still existed
- the dev team worked hard to create a gothic-styled game
- the witch trials in this game are called “Mob Trials”
- Layton and Wright will have to face off against mobs claiming “I saw it!” and “I saw it, too!” when it comes to magic users
- the style of trial is said to irritate even the normally cool-headed Layton
- the game was made so that the style of trial presentation bothered both Layton and Wright
- the girl seen running away from the witch hunt is Mahoune
- the leader of the hunt/investigator is Sir Jiiken Barthlord
- he wears a full suit of armor and carries a sword
- he is the medieval-styled rival for both the protagonists
- the naming of characters includes various puns (“Mahou” means magic, and “Jiken” means a case; as in a murder case)
- Takumi had doubts about Wright's translation into 3D, but was happy when he saw the results
- Hino was worried about the transition as well, with Layton’s abnormal growth spurt (as well as his lengthened silk hat)
- in response, Phoenix had to be shrunk a bit
- the game will be discussed at two promo events: Level 5 World 2011 and the “Phoenix Wright 10th Anniversary Memorial Courtroom.”
