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For Tablet Owners, Tablets Are Displacing Consoles/Handhelds for Gaming

by rawmeatcowboy
06 October 2011
GN Version 4.0
There has been much speculation about how using a Tablet will impact the amount of time users spend with other media and other activities. New research from GfK MRI's iPanel shows that a majority of Tablet owners who participate in video games report they use a video game console or a handheld video game less often as a result of owning their Tablet.

Moreover, 44% of Tablet owners say they read printed books less often, 42% say they read hard copy newspapers less often and 41% say they use a desktop or laptop computer less often as a result of owning a Tablet.

GfK MRI's online iPanel is composed of more than 3,000 adult eReader and Tablet owners.

Activities that have been far less impacted by the use of Tablets include playing sports, going to the movies and socializing with friends/family.

Full report here