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Batman: Arkham City - Batman's Kevin Conroy describes the recording experience

by rawmeatcowboy
15 October 2011
GN Version 4.0
"It is such a different experience in recording a game than recording a show. You're alone in a booth for 4 hour blocks, and you have to be true to the character, without any of the other actors bouncing off you. It's so much harder. You're working in a vacuum, so you have to be your own reality check, you own motivator. You're doing variations on a line, giving four or five emotional readings, and then you're doing 20 different lines depending on which way the game is being played. It's all disjointed -- you don't know how it's going to be put together." - Kevin Conroy

If anyone can pull it off, it's Mr. Conroy. He is the definitive Batman voice for me, just like Hamill will always be Joker in my mind.
