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Pippi Longstocking for Nintendo DS

by rawmeatcowboy
20 October 2011
GN Version 4.0

Stockholm 2011-10-20 – PAN Vision is happy to announce that a deal has been signed to take Pippi Longstocking and her world of adventures and friends to Nintendo DS during the summer of 2012.

Pippi Longstocking is one of the most popular children’s book characters in the world and the series of books has been translated into 64 different languages. Pippi is a favorite among both children and their parents whom have grown up with the environments, adventures and characters in the books.

The game is being developed for the Nintendo DS handheld in cooperation with award winning studio Ravn Studio in Norway, creators of successful games such as Pinchcliffe Grand Prix, Knerten Gets Married and Blåfjell for the Nordic market.
"We only cooperate with serious companies that we feel confident with and we are sure Pippi is in good hands with Ravn“ says Malin Billing at Saltkråkan.

Pippi Longstocking for Nintendo DS is set to be an adventure game filled with activities, features and mini games for children in the ages of 4 to 10 years old. It will give players a true Pippi experience with all of the characters and environments made famous by the books and movies. The end result being a high quality product that will help bring the stories of Astrid Lindgren to a new generation of children.
