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Kirby's Return to Dreamland - more Iwata Asks details

by rawmeatcowboy
26 October 2011
GN Version 4.0
- The Producer, Shigefumi Kawase, was originally the head of Jack and Beans, the Nintendo/HAL group which made Pokemon Snap.
- the original GameCube multiplayer Kirby was cancelled because Nintendo was having trouble mixing single and multiplayer elements
- The second failed Kirby was in 3D, but was cancelled due to quality concerns
- Shinya Kumazaki, the Director, has been involved with Kirby Canvas Curse and Kirby Super Star Ultra. He also worked on the 3DS software (Probably Face Raiders).
- Kumazaki has only been with HAL 10 years, so this is his first console Kirby game.
- Hiroaki Nakano, Lead Programmer, said that 4-player coop was hard to implement.
- Iwata said that the Copy Abilities were terribly complicated back on Kirby's Adventure.
- Tadashi Kamitake, the Lead Designer, started with Kirby in Kirby Super Star Ultra (man, this team is young).
- Kamitake witnessed all three failures, especially sad about the third.
- October 2010 is when the game went into full gear.
- The team made an in-house development website, like a dev diary
