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Famitsu details sales data for first half of 2011

by rawmeatcowboy
26 October 2011
GN Version 4.0

- Namco Bandai was the top selling publisher over the period
- company saw sales of 17,795.7 million yen
- Nintendo was second this year, with 14,947.7 million yen sales
- these two were followed by Konami, Capcom, Square Enix, Sega, Level-5, Tecmo Koei, Sony, Pokemon, Atlus, From Software, Imageepoch, Marvelous AQL, D3 Publisher, Electronic Arts, Idea Factory, Gust, Spike and Kadokawa Shoten
- In terms of units sold, Namco Bandai came in second to Nintendo, beaten by 94,000 units
- Nintendo sold over 3 million units of software
- Nintendo topped the Wii and 3DS sales
- Nintendo had a 65% software sales share on Wii, besting Square Enix's second place 9.6%
- Square-Enix took first spot on DS with 18.9% against Nintendo's 18.3%
- on 3DS, first went to Nintendo, who was followed by Namco Bandai, Pokemon, Capcom and Konam
