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RockSteady didn't set out to make an open-world game with Batman: Arkham City

by rawmeatcowboy
26 October 2011
GN Version 4.0
“When we started the game we didn’t sit down and say, ‘Let’s make an open world game’. We looked at what we be a fun game to make and a fun game to play. That’s what drove the open world decision. It’s more about what we think is a good fit, what will be fun and what gets the team inspired, rather than picking a genre for the sake of it. It was an awful lot of work – no doubt about that – there was a lot of late nights and a lot of weekend working, but we think it was all worth it. So that would never put us off a similar experience in the future.” - Rocksteady game director Sefton Hill

I can't even imagine the amount of work that went into the game. Even worse would be thinking about revisiting it a year later for the Wii U version!
