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Power Rangers Samurai - review

by cortjezter
15 December 2011
GN Version 4.0

Here's a bit from the WiiLoveIt review:

The presentation values in Power Rangers Samurai could've used some more work in my eyes. Animations of characters running or pushing blocks usually looked a bit fuzzy, and the environments in the game feel basic as stated earlier. The images of the models on the Ranger Select screen look like they were done in Photoshop with a simple white stroke added to them. I thought the music was pretty fitting for the on-screen action, albeit nothing was memorable enough for me to take notice of. Also, it was nice that they included a voice clip here and there and even the Power Rangers theme song as per the license material.

Following the 10th Mission, you'll come up against the game's final boss which is hardly any different from all the other bosses you've fought before this. Considering that I was able to beat him on my first go, I found the 8th boss (Steeleto) more difficult -- which took me over five attempts. After witnessing the Credit Roll, no additional modes or stages are unlocked for play, making this a slightly short 10-mission adventure. Due to the somewhat repetitive nature of the levels, there's not really much motivation to return and earn maximum star ranks on each of the missions -- even if there are secret areas to hunt for using different characters. Sad to say, this just feels like another game to just "get through" with little to be taken away from the experience.

Check out the full review at the source link