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Wii U demo at CES 2012 will feature E3 2011 software

by rawmeatcowboy
19 December 2011
GN Version 4.0
Looks like Nintendo has nothing 'new' to show at CES 2012 when it comes to Wii U. The software to be shown will be what press saw back at E3 2011.

"Nintendo of America, working with the 2012 International CES management, will offer demos of the upcoming Wii U console to members of the media who did not see the system at the 2011 E3 Expo. However, Nintendo will not have a booth at CES, nor does it plan to include any games, experiences or information beyond what was available at the 2011 E3 Expo. Production and development efforts remain on track for the Wii U launch, which will take place between the start of the 2012 E3 Expo in June, and the end of 2012." - Nintendo statement