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Beyond the Labyrinth - more gameplay details

by rawmeatcowboy
08 January 2012
GN Version 4.0
- normal, hard, super hard, ultra hard and hyper hard difficulty settings
- change the difficulty setting midway through the game
- clear history will show the lowest difficulty that you used at any point during the game
- press B to fast-forward through event scenes
- you'll meet the main girl from the game early on, and you'll meet in an unexpected way
- use photoshop for costume customization
- use the internet to trade your clothes with others
- change the color of the girls' panties
- HP recovers at save points
- there are special points on the game field that will restore HP as well
- move points that determine how much you can move are carried over to the next battle
- party members talk with you during battle
- these conversations are saved in a log
- beating the game will take about forty hours

More pics here