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Nintendo's 2012 outlook roundtable

by cortjezter
12 January 2012
GN Version 4.0

Kevin Knezevic:
Even with its rocky start, 3DS still had a considerably better year than Wii did. Outside of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (and Xenoblade Chronicles for those fortunate enough to be living in Europe), the console saw little in the way of substantial releases these past twelve months, giving fans the impression that Nintendo had all but abandoned its home console in favor of its newest handheld. And yet, despite how destitute its software library has been, Wii was still able to achieve its most successful Black Friday sales this past November (no doubt on the strength of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which has supplanted Mario Kart Wii as the system's pack-in title, and Link's latest adventure), but whether or not Nintendo will be able to sustain this momentum going into 2012 is another question entirely.

With little left in store for the company's current home console (and the next generation looming on the horizon), how do you think the new year will play out for Nintendo?

Read the full piece (part 3 of a series) at the source link.