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Germany - 2011 Nintendo sales stats

by rawmeatcowboy
26 January 2012
GN Version 4.0
3DS: 600.000
DS: 500.000
Wii: 800.000

3DS had the most successful launch ever.
- 20% more than the original DS in 2005

Installed base of the Nintendo DS family:
- 8.6 million

Wii is the most successful console ever.
- Installed base of 5 million
- "uncontested market leader" in 2011

- 3DS+DS+Wii = 60% of the German hardware market
- 40% of all software sales were for a Nintendo platform; around Christmas every second title sold was for a Nintendo platform

Software Wii:

Wii is a "family, party, and sports console" in Germany:
- most successful Wii title was Wii Party; number 4 in the all platform chart
- Just Dance 3 was also a huge successful, it was the most successful game across all platforms
- Wii Fit Plus sold 300.000 copies in 2011; they say because of their marketing campaign with Steffi Graf
- Zumba Fitness - Join the Party was another highly successful title

Traditional titles were almost non-existant, therefore there's not much to mention:
- Skyward Sword reached six-digit numbers
- the same holds true for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Mario Kart Wii

Software Handhelds: [3rd parties am cry]
- Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3DS Land are number 1 and 2 in the 3DS game charts of 2011; reached a six-digit figure
- Ocarina of Time 3D is number 3, it also sold more than 100.000 units
- same holds true for nintendogs + cats, which is on number 4

- Pokemon Black/White sold 600.000 units, are the two best-selling DS titles in 2011
- New Super Mario Bros. comes in as number 3
- Professor Layton & the Spectre's Call is number 4 [total Layton sales reach more than 1 million in Germany]
