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Devil Survivor 2 gets new trailer, website opens

by rawmeatcowboy
03 February 2012
GN Version 4.0

IRVINE, CALIFORNIA -- FEBRUARY 3, 2012 -- ATLUS today released the full trailer and official website for the upcoming Nintendo DS™ strategy RPG Shin Megami Tensei®: Devil Survivor 2, the sequel to the award-winning Devil Survivor.

The full trailer, aptly named due to it being completely packed with exciting footage, stylishly sets up the game's story and main conflict. It also gives a great glimpse into how the hybrid RPG/SRPG mechanics work, better demonstrates the players ability to interact with, level up, and grow closer to their party members, and lastly shows the Demon Auction in action.

Launching alongside the full trailer is the equally aptly named full Devil Survivor 2 official website. Fans can read up on the history of the series and its developers, learn more about the story in Devil Survivor 2, browse character profiles for the game's protagonists, and better appreciate the title's unique mix of strategy RPG tactics and first-person RPG battles. Both the trailer and website arrive with less than a month before the game hits shelves, coming to North America after releasing to critical acclaim and strong sales in Japan.

SMT: Devil Survivor 2 for Nintendo DS is currently scheduled to release on February 28, 2012. For more info, visit the official website at

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