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NPD - Software sales for Feb. 2012

by rawmeatcowboy
08 March 2012
GN Version 4.0
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360, PS3, Wii, PC)** 1 Activision Blizzzard
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3, 360)** 2 Square Enix Inc.
UFC Undisputed 3 (360, PS3) 3 THQ
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (360, PS3, PC) 4 Electronic Arts
Just Dance 3 (Wii, 360, PS3) 5 Ubisoft
NBA 2K12 (360, PS3, PSP, Wii, PC, PS2) 6 Take 2 Interactive
Soul Calibur V (360, PS3)** 7 Namco Bandai Games
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360, PS3, PC)** 8 Bethesda Softworks
Twisted Metal 2012 (PS3) 9 Sony
Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)** 10 Electronic Arts

Nintendo 3DS: 262,000, a 53 percent increase
Wii: 228,000, a 50 percent increase
Nintendo DS: 135,000, a 76 percent increase
Xbox 360: 426,000 units sold

- total game sales declined by 20 percent year-over-year to 1.06 billion
- hardware sales accounted for $381.4 million, down 18 percent
- software sales accounted for $464.4 million, down 23 percent
- accessories accounted for $215.2 million, down 16 percent
- hardware sales increased 62 percent

“The best-selling hardware platform for the month was Xbox 360 for the seventh month in a row. While most hardware platforms posted declines versus last year, all current-generation platforms improved sales over January 2012 by more than 50 percent." - NPD's Anita Frazier
