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EA - Couple more Wii U games in the works, bigger Wii U support than Wii support at launch

by rawmeatcowboy
12 June 2012
GN Version 4.0
"We've got a couple of more games in development for Wii U and we'll have a bigger line-up for Wii U than we did on the Wii. It is the first next-generation platform coming out so we're really supporting it. Just looking at E3 and where we're at, we wanted to hold our fire a little bit on a couple of the other games that we're working on. We'll have more announcements this summer on the rest of the Wii U line-up." - EA games label president Frank Gibeau

Gibeau was asked to elaborate more on Mass Effect 3 for Wii U, to which he said the following.

"We'll do some new, unique things with it on the Wii U controller and the second screen that we're innovating on. You'll hear more later this summer."
