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EA wants Origin to be cross-platform, Nintendo included

by rawmeatcowboy
09 August 2012
GN Version 4.0
A portion of an MCV interview with EA's David DeMartini...

MCV: Do you want the likes of PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox to open their platforms up so you can sell games for them?

DD: We absolutely want to be cross-platform and EA has significantly invested in covering mobile, social, PC, Xbox, Nintendo and Sony. We want to be a gaming hub because it’s not like you just want to compare with your friends on how you did in PC gaming. You might want to play Battlefield on 360, or Need for Speed on PS3, and compare achievements across all those platforms. Origin has never been intended to be a PC-only reflection of how you do in games, it’s been created to reflect how you are performing across EA’s entire gaming universe and our third party partners’ entire gaming universe and that’s what we’re going to move to this year.

Full interview here