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Level-5 TGS 2012 lineup includes Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney, mystery games

by rawmeatcowboy
30 August 2012
GN Version 4.0
Fantasy Life (3DS)
Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney (3DS)
Professor Layton and the Legacy of Advanced Civilization A (3DS)
Layton Brothers Mystery Room (iOS)
Little Battler eXperience W (PSP/PS Vita)
Inazuma Eleven Go 2 (3DS)
Inazuma Eleven 1,2,3 (3DS)
Inazuma Eleven Atsumeyoze!! (Mobile)
Three unannounced games (?)

Three unannounced games to be revealed at the show. I'm hoping at least one of those will be for a Nintendo platform. Now I'm definitely excited about TGS! Thanks to Robertaitor for the heads up!
