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Famitsu news Sept. 11th - New Konami 3DS game, Animal Crossing info, Layton/Ace Attorney date and more

by rawmeatcowboy
12 September 2012
GN Version 4.0
Tongari-boshi to Maho no Machi

- “Witch’s Hat in the Magical Town”
- another Magician's Quest sequel
- hitting 3DS
- Konami
- no release date yet

Animal Crossing: Jump Out

- “Reset Center” building where Mr. Resetti will scold you when you reset
- fulfill certain conditions to get a floral village, a morning village, a rich village
- once again, you set shop hours
- pay 3000 bells to decorate with Saharah’s wallpaper and carpet
- Import My Design PRO designs via QR code

Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney

- release date of 11/29 confirmed

Project X-Zone

- New ally duo: Neneko and Neito (Yumeria)
- New rivals: Juri (Street Fighter,) Jedah Dohma (Darkstalkers,) Reimsianne (Shining Force IXA,) Heihachi Mishima (Tekken,) Ayame (Sakura Wars,) Skeith (.hack)
