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Renegade Kid talks Mutant Mudds update, Mutant Mudds Deluxe, big Wii U title in 2013

by rawmeatcowboy
17 September 2012
GN Version 4.0
Mutant Mudds 3DS Update 33:45 – 42:15
- Hopes to be out mid-late October

Mutant Mudds Deluxe Announcement 1:50:00 – 1:56:00
- Will probably stay unique to the Wii U
- A lot of work went into the visuals to make it
look good on Wii U
- Extra artwork added to the Wii U levels
- Game will be playable on either the TV or Wii U
GamePad. Nothing utilizing both screens now.

Other Renegade Kid Projects 2:08:30 – 2:39:00
- Mutant Mudds Update submitted to both NoA and
- Work on the 3DS update hasn’t been going on long
- Talked to Nintendo to determine whether update
could be free or as DLC
- Project Greenlight process
- Mutant Mudds sitting at 3% approval
- Games don’t need 100% to be released on Steam
- Renegade Kid’s focus is not on the PC market
- Consulting on Dementium II PC port, not directly
working on the project
- ATV Wild Ride development progressing nicely
- New suspension models just added to ATV’s
- Team recorded new, original ATV sounds
- Could be out by the end of the year, or early next year
- Disappointed by sales of Bomb Monkey
- Big Wii U title in the works for Holiday 2013

Check out the audio interview here