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Nintendo Land - more details on Balloon Trip Breeze, Yoshi's Fruit Cart

by rawmeatcowboy
01 November 2012
GN Version 4.0
Balloon Trip Breeze

- more hazards detailed: Occasional suspended spikes (which can hurt you or pop the balloons that keep you afloat)
- these can become entire rows of spikes
- spinning bars revolve in midair
- fish leap from the sea to swallow you
- inclement weather tries to ground you
- rival flyers go after you aggressively
- once you complete the three-day mission, a longer and more challenging version became available

Yoshi's Fruit Cart

- on the GamePad, Yoshi appears on a patchwork grid
- this corresponds to an equivalent pattern on the main screen
- eventually, the fruit you collect comes with number tags that denote the order in which you have to pick them up
- further still, the fruit will start moving
- eventually you'll have to avoid obstacles
- at one point, Yoshi's cart has a limited fuel supply that can only be topped off by grabbing fruit
