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Zen Pinball 2 Releases March 21st on Wii U eShop in North America

by rawmeatcowboy
14 March 2013
GN Version 4.0
March 21st! Zen Pinball 2 is currently available on the eShop in Europe.

We thank you all for your patience during the delay! We had to make 10000% sure the game worked correctly so you all can have fun playing it immediately.

Zen Pinball 2 is currently available on the eShop in Europe. is a free download for all players. There will be a large table library available to try out and purchase at launch:

-Zen Classic Pack featuring Tesla, El Dorado, V12 and Shaman
-Marvel Pinball featuring Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Iron Man
-Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles featuring Marvel’s The Avengers, Infinity Gauntlet, World War Hulk, and Fear Itself
-Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue featuring X-Men, Thor, Ghost Rider and Moon Knight
-Individual DLC Tables: Excalibur, Earth Defense, Sorcerer’s Lair, Paranormal, Mars, Epic Quest, Plants vs. Zombies, Fantastic Four, Captain America and Civil War

The only question is, which one are you going to play first?!
