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Warner Bros. talks about the challenge of DLC with Batman: Arkham Origins

by rawmeatcowboy
20 May 2013
GN Version 4.0
Coming from a Game Informer interview with creative director Eric Holmes...

"I think the challenge with DLC is finding something worth saying that you didn't say in the main game, something that adds to the story or universe. Without giving too much away, I think the DC Universe is a very expansive and exciting place and we're spoiled for choice as far as opportunities.

I think it's important when you're building any game in any franchise to try and give yourself creative room and not say everything in the main product. One of the terms we used before was leaving a USB port on the side so something else can plug in and go somewhere else, or carving out a little hole that you can answer. If you have a narrative disconnect in your story, it doesn't necessarily mean it is a mistake. 'Well where did that character go when he went off and did that? Where did he get that gadget that he turned up with? Or that weapon? How did he find these guys to go and get help from?' That might be a question you have at the end of the game but that might be placed there intentionally so that you can answer that in a separate story. Rather than have this disconnect, it's actually a crack in the story that we go and fill in later and have this little revelation as a result of that."

While preorder DLC for the Wii U version of Batman: Arkham Origins is still up in the air, we haven't gotten any word on post-launch DLC yet.
