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Rayman Legends - details on difficulty, secrets, bonuses and Ancel likes the game to an adult film

by rawmeatcowboy
01 June 2013
GN Version 4.0
- overall difficulty has been toned down compared to Rayman Origins
- more room for a "progressive" evolution
- feature smany secrets and challenges to satisfy gamers looking for more
- "Invasion" versions of the existing levels are completely re-worked versions that include Time-attack challenges.
- Christophe Héral returns for the soundtrack
- Christophe comes "with a surprise" for those completing the game at 100%
- no over-arching scenario
- stand-alone "universes"
- Ancel likens the design approach to that of a pornography: "In a way, it's a bit like porno : you go straight to the essential without really wondering why the plumber was there in the first place"
