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Miyamoto says nothing to announce about Metroid right now, Zelda Wii U progressing 'fairly concretely'

by rawmeatcowboy
05 July 2013
GN Version 4.0
A portion of a Game Informer interview with Shigeru Miyamoto...

GI: What's the status of the Metroid franchise? Are there any Metroid games in development? Whether it's 3D or two dimensional?

SM: We don't have anything that we're working on that we can discuss probably. But we've always- just as we do with all of our franchises- have people who are looking at what they can do next, even with the Metroid franchise as well. So hopefully, at some point, we'll be able to announce it.

GI: This may be the same answer, but I need to ask. Some people are wondering will we see a new Zelda - a new 3D Zelda for Wii U. Is there any new Zelda news?

SM: We're also working on a new Wii U Zelda game. That's coming along; work on that is progressing fairly concretely. In fact, we were thinking of showing it here at E3 but decided to wait just a little bit longer before showing it to everyone.

Full interview here