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Batman: Arkham Origins - more details on the Batcave, training missions

by rawmeatcowboy
01 October 2013
GN Version 4.0
Coming from a Shacknews interview with creative director Eric Holmes...

It's something we're trying to do in this game more is to offer more people the chance to get that black belt, to get some of that mastery sense as they're playing through the campaign.

- call the Batwing at nearly any point to fast-travel
- see story details at the Batcave
- also chat with Alfred for advice
- Batcave houses new items/gadgets to pick up
- Batcave also features optional training rooms
- Multi Ground Takedown lets Batman throw multiple Batarangs at all stunned enemies
- challenges will specifically point out moves that must be completed
- every addition to Batman's arsenal will unlock additional challenges
- tutorials give XP
