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Batman: Arkham Origins - another round of info

by rawmeatcowboy
17 October 2013
GN Version 4.0
- City around twice the size of Arkham City. Two major parts connected by the bridge.
- Call in Batwing to automatically take you to the Batcave, as well as fast travel across the map.
- Interact with the Batcave: speak to Alfred, use workbench to collect gadgets, find Easter Eggs.
- Batcave has a "training gym". Aimed at showcasing the combat system to players who didn't fully appreciate it in previous Batman games. Lets you compete in challenges, rewarding with XP to upgrade Batman.
- Cops an enemy along with thugs.
- Encounter grading (eg: A = Legendary Vigilante).
- "When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" analogy used to describe Batman's aggression in Origins.
- Barbara Gordon plays an important role in the plot.
