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Award-winning Indie Forced Headed to Gamescom, PAX Prime

by rawmeatcowboy
15 August 2013
GN Version 4.0

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COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Aug. 15, 2013 — BetaDwarf Entertainment, an independent game studio formed by students who first worked and lived together in a university classroom, today announced that its co-op arena combat game, Forced, recently chosen as a Level Up 2013 Intel® award winner, will be available for hands-on demos at this year’s Gamescom (Hall9 – Booth A-045) and PAX Prime (Indie Megabooth, Booth 875). Forced, in which players choose one of four unique classes and participate in fast-paced arena carnage with friends or in a single-player campaign, will be available for PC, Wii U, Mac, and Linux this fall. To see Forced’s frenetic fighting in action, view the recent gameplay trailer:

To schedule a press demo to play Forced at Gamescom or PAX Prime, please contact

Forced is a true labor of love for the BetaDwarf team. Under development since 2011, the developers have pursued the best co-op experience in-game and out by living together, first on sleeping bags in a classroom and now in their own apartment/development studio. In Forced, players take the role of gladiators forced to fight for their lives in an arena full of nasty monsters like the Carnomancer, a “flesh mage” that can teleport into the bodies of his allies, stealing their health— and making a gory mess, of course. Forced, out this fall for PC, Wii U, Mac, and Linux, will challenge players to make smart tactical decisions and work together to survive waves of vicious enemies.

Forced features:

Four Unique Character Classes, with 16 unlockable abilities each
Advanced tactical artificial intelligence - mobs work together against your group in combat, sacrificing one another as shields or buffing their monster allies on the fly to better fight your group
The Spirit Mentor, an extra party member which players must control in unison to gain an upper hand over the enemy
A Mark Combat System, where players can apply marks to enemies and then consume and destroy them with powerful skills
For more information about Forced and BetaDwarf:

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