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Ubisoft says Watch_Dogs DLC could hit early next year, looking at making bite-sized chunks

by rawmeatcowboy
29 August 2013
GN Version 4.0
Coming from an OXM interview iwth Ubisoft's Dominic Guay...

"We're looking at early next year for potentially good timing for us, for that. There's a lot of stories for us to tell in the Watch Dogs universe, and there's different perspectives we'd like to explore, so I think for us it would be a great opportunity. And one thing we're also exploring is how we could, in the next month after shipping the game, create more gameplay within it, because it's a rich city and we have a lot of ideas for fun things we could be doing in it that we don't necessarily have in our scope right now, so we'll be exploring different kinds of gameplay that we could also push within that game world following the release."

Mr. Guay was also asked about adding new content behind the scenes, as part of the game fiction.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we're moving towards there. I'm not sure if we're just ready yet, but we're definitely going there and the way that we built our technology is so that Watch Dogs is able to move to that model in a sense. One of the things that we want to do for sure to start finding ways of providing content that comes in smaller chunks, and more bite-sized chunks if need be because a DLC can be a seven-hour or five-hour gameplay chunk which, you know, is a good investment of money and time and everything. So we're also looking at how we can provide fun gameplay in bite-sized form, so... something that doesn't necessarily require you to spend a whole week on it, but can provide you with enough fun for an evening, for example. So those are some of the things we're looking at, for sure."
