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Square-Enix discusses what it is like taking Dragon Quest the MMORPG route

by rawmeatcowboy
07 September 2013
GN Version 4.0
Coming from a Siliconera interview with Square-Enix's Naoki Yoshida...

"I not only worked on Dragon Quest X, but various other Dragon Quest games. When working in all Dragon Quest projects, the theme is not about complexity but having a game that’s really easy to get into. That’s not just for an online Dragon Quest game, but all Dragon Quest games. And so when making Dragon Quest X, yes it is a MMORPG, but it had to act and feel like a regular Dragon Quest and follow those rules.

To have that really solo type of feel, there’s a feature in which you can register your character in an inn, to allow other characters borrow your character as an NPC party member. You’re creating a party with other people’s characters, but they’re not being controlled by other people. So even though you have this MMORPG, which is all about partying with other people, you’re not partying with other people. It’s an MMORPG that’s not an MMORPG, but doing that is something you have to do for the Dragon Quest series."

Full interview here