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Assassin's Creed IV had a full year of research and development, says Ubisoft

by rawmeatcowboy
09 September 2013
GN Version 4.0
Coming from a USGamer hands-on feature with director Ashraf Ismail...

"We put a lot of effort into this game; the first year was pure R&D. How do you build the Caribbean naval open-world? From building the locations that you can seamlessly enter: how big are they, how complicated are they, what can we have on them? How do we take ACIII's linear missions that were fairly scripted and disconnected from the main content, and make it so it's open-world. You can approach a problem from any angle. You have dynamic weather, dynamic day/night cycles. We spent a year just trying to get the more technical aspect of it to work."

Full feature here