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Amazon Wiis sell out quickly...again

by rawmeatcowboy
29 December 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

I meant to post this earlier, but simply forgot to. My apologies to reader Wendy who sent this in.

We posted last night that Amazon had plans of selling Wiis this morning. To no one’s surprise, the supplies were exhausted in a matter of minutes. I hear the event was quite a hectic one, but regardless of that, people managed to snag some. Wendy said she received this message slightly a minute after sales started.

“We are currently out of stock. Allocations of the Wii have been limited but we are working with Nintendo to secure future allocations. Please check back at another time as we will make the inventory available for sale as soon as we receive it”

Were you one of the lucky ones to snag a Wii from Amazon?