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Xenoblade - more details from trailer 2

by rawmeatcowboy
07 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

- A young main-character named “Seneka” has discovered a battle machine of some form, but the machine is broken
- Seneka admits to wanting to learn the secrets of the Monado, which is a sword
- Seneka is researching the sword, and finds out that while anyone can activate it, not everyone can control it
- the shirtless man in the trailer is being nursed back to health by Hiyoru, the young girl in the scene
- the man is in so much pain that he cannot even hold the Monado in his present state
- both Hiyoru and Seneka head to a beach, both discussing how peaceful the location is
- all of a sudden, an alarm sounds which means that objects are falling off of Kyoshin
- a defense system starts up to shoot down the falling objects
