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You are viewing a story from GN Version 3.1. Time may not have been kind to formatting, integrity of links, images, information, etc.

Xenoblade - more details (tribes, beliefs and more)

by rawmeatcowboy
08 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

- three save files
- compatible with Wiimote x Nunchuck or Classic Controller
- Kyoshin - one of the two humanoid gods that fought long ago, and was then frozen in time
- Kyoshin is the side of the world on which the protagonists live
- Kishin ‘Machine God’ is where the antagonists live
- “People born from Kyoshin return to Kyoshin.”
- The people of Kyoshin are very thankful for the God’s sacrifies
- 3 tribes of Kyoshin

Homs Tribe
- somewhat resemble humans, live in colonies located in the lower half of Kyoshin, civilization developed to a middling level
Nopon Tribe
- traveling tribe of merchants
Nienter Tribe
- a legendary race that resides somewhere in the Kyoshin part of the world, ancient history, advanced civilization
