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You are viewing a story from GN Version 3.1. Time may not have been kind to formatting, integrity of links, images, information, etc.

Xenoblade - bigger cover art, more screens and details

by rawmeatcowboy
09 April 2010
GN Version 3.1


- 70 to 80 hours long, but somewhere around 100 if you go for optional quests
- the entire Xenoblade world is seamless
- loading breaks when you travel between major areas
- major areas are considered to be different body parts of the two gods
- battles are in real-time with no cuts/breaks
- you can see enemies on the field
- use auto-attack to target an enemy continuously with regular attacks
- move behind or to the side of an enemy, and you can use a special attack called ‘Arts’
- once again, soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura
- pre-order “special soundtrack” bonus in Japan
