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Xenoblade - tons of details

by rawmeatcowboy
14 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

Shulk: main character, fan of literature, takes on a journey with his friends to fight Kishin troops that attacked their village - Race: Homs, Age: 18, Height: 171cm, Voice: Shintaro Asanuma

Fiorun: heroine, childhood friend of Shulk and little sister of Dunban - Race: Homs, Age: 18, Height: 160cm, voice: Eri Nakao

Dunban: the man without a shirt from the trailers, Hero of the Homs people, once used the Monado sword to defeat troops, injured during a major confrontation a year ago - Race: Homs, Age: 30, Height 180cm, voice: Ryo Horikawa

Dickson: Dunban’s war friend from a long time back, very watchful of Shulk - Race: Homs, Age: 44, Height: 181cm, voice: Tsuyoshi Koyama

Mumuca: traveling warrior, fought Dunban to earn the right to use the Monado - Race: Homs, Age: 30, Height: 195cm. Norio Wakamoto

- Monado sword is an artifact left to the Homs race
- can pierce armor of the Kishin, but is a huge burden on the body of the person that wields it
- Monado is the only hope in warding off Kishin invaders
- the confrontation between Dunban and Mumuca seems to be quite important
- the game world does have a time cycle
- the Monado sword has a kanji inscription of importance: “機”

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