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Monster Hunter 3 - UK launch event detailed

by rawmeatcowboy
14 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

14 April 2010 – The phenomenon of Monster Hunter Tri is almost upon us as Nintendo and Capcom announce plans for the official UK launch event of this year’s must-have title for Wii.

On Friday 23rd April, UK fans of the Monster Hunter series will be treated to rare opportunity to meet the infamous series producer Ryozo Tsujomoto and director Kaname Fujiok as they come to London for an exclusive signing at GAME, Oxford Street.

The first 50 people in line to buy the game at the launch event will take home a very special Monster Hunter bag that includes some exclusive Monster Hunter items not available in the UK.

All attendees will then get the chance to meet the legendary producer and developer of the series to have their copy of this highly anticipated game signed in person. Fans are encouraged to dress in their best ‘hunting’ attire to celebrate the game’s arrival in the UK.

DATE: Friday 23rd April 2010
TIME: 5.30pm – 7.30pm
ADDRESS: GAME,100 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LL
ENTRY: Free to everyone
