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You are viewing a story from GN Version 3.1. Time may not have been kind to formatting, integrity of links, images, information, etc.

Xenoblade - more artwork, new details

by rawmeatcowboy
15 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

- Shulk, Fiorung, and Dunban are listed as ‘player characters’, which probably means that we take control of all three at some point
- the official site has slots for 4 more player characters
- the site also features a tab for sub characters
- There are slots for at least four more as well as an inactive tab for “sub characters.”
- we also learn of Rein, which is a character that accompanies Shulk on his adventure
- voice samples on the site have the characters saying the following lines…

* Shulk: “Monado… at some point, I would like to unlock the mysteries of that power”
* Shulk: “I don’t want to have anymore regrets. I will protect you!”
* Fiorung: “I’ve also decided to go. Rather than staying home and worrying, wouldn’t you be more at ease if you fought along side me?”
* Fiorung: “Thank you, brother.”


Check out the site for more art, as well as the voice samples
