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Monster Hunter 3 - Jaggi fight, Capcom won't talk future Monster Hunter titles on Wii

by rawmeatcowboy
19 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

Direct link here

A portion of an ONM interview with producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and director Kaname Fujioka…

ONM: Would you like to bring more Monster Hunter games to Wii?

KF: Is this a Sony versus Nintendo question? Because I don’t want to get into that. We wanted to bring Monster Hunter to a new audience, and since Wii gamers are from a broad range this opportunity excites us. As for bringing more Monster Hunters to the Wii, we prefer to see a project through to absolute completion before we think about what’s next, and even though Monster Hunter Tri launched last year in Japan and is about to launch here, there is still much we can bring to the game, with it being so heavily network-based.

Full interview here