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Xenoblade - more details

by rawmeatcowboy
22 April 2010
GN Version 3.1


- Kishin Army: Kishin armies attacked Kyoshin one year prior tot he game, but were fought off by Dunban and the Monado
- Monado: last hope for the Homs race, handed down from the gods, blade holds a mysterious power, sword causes great burden on the few that can use it
- scene from the latest trailer takes place in Homs residential area called Colony 9
- Dikson - Age: 44, Height: 181cm, Race: Homs, Gender: Male, Voice: Tsuyoshi Koyama, old war friend of Dunban, respected as an elder, watches over Shulk as a guardianH
- Mumca - Age: 30, Height: 195cm, Race: Homs, Gender: Male, Voice: Norio Wakamoto, warrior that once competed with Dunban to try and wield the Monado

More screens and art here