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Xenoblade - more character, game details

by rawmeatcowboy
27 April 2010
GN Version 3.1

Rein - Race: Homs, Gender: Male, Age: 18, Height: 190cm., part of the Colony 9 Defense Force, childhood friend of Shulk, is an optimist, but can also become easily angered

Carna - Race: Homs, Gender: Female, Age: 21, Height: 168cm, part of the Colony 6 Defense Force, good with projectiles

Melia - Race: Hienter, Gender: Female, Age: ???, Height: 156cm, young girl of the Hienter race, Hienter’s live in the head portion of Kyojin, advanced civilization, Melia is particularly skilled with ethers

Riki - Race: Nopon, Gender: Male, Age: ???, Height: 60cm, Hero of the Nopon merchant race, race lives in the forests of the back area of Kyojin, acts very childish but harbors a secret

Soldier Types

Black Face - Race: New Model Kishin Soldier, Head Height: 10.5m, Total Height: 15.5m, can transform into flying form, uses claws as weapon, head looks human-like, Monado is ineffective

Brown Face - Race: New Model Kishin Soldier, Head Height: 6m, Total Height: 7.5m, can transform into flying form, uses a sickle-like weapon

Properties of the Monado sword

1. It has the only power that can resist the Kishin troops.
2. It can’t slash anything except Kishin troops.
3. Anyone can unleash Monado’s power, but at present only the legendary hero Dunban can control it.
4. Monado sword appears to have a similar look to a lightsaber when it action
5. glass plate on sword’s head will change color and text
