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Xenoblade - a few more details concerning battle

by rawmeatcowboy
19 May 2010
GN Version 3.1

I’ll only summarize details that we haven’t already covered…

- target enemies before battle to display a window full of information
- information shown includes HP, level, a monster icon, and a color that shows how tough the enemy is
- Color breakdown: black for total pushovers; red for extremely dangerous adversaries
- icon shows how aggressive the monster is
- every monster has a hidden ‘hatred’ parameter that reflects the personal vendetta the monster has for your characters
- this value increases as you and your allies attack
- once the parameter reaches a certain level, the enemy will focus in on one character
- this parameter is shown by an on-screen ‘hate ring’ that appears over a party member
- a tension parameter comes into play via your character’s portrait icon, and reflects the way the battle is going
- keep the tension level high to maximize chances for critical hits, but if the tension level is low, you’ll miss with more of your attacks
