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Xenoblade - more music details

by rawmeatcowboy
19 May 2010
GN Version 3.1

- 6 composers: Yoko Shimomura, Yasunori Mitsuda, Manami Kiyota, and the sound unit ACE+ (CHiCO, Tomori Kudo, and Kenji Hiramatsu)
- soundtrack produced by Dog Ear Record
- ACE+ and Manami Kiyota were asked to join the project by Dog Ear
- Manami Kiyota is a singer/songwriter. Previous credits include Glory of Heracles, as well as composing music for PokePark Wii.
- CHiCO’s previous work includes the N64 Tamagotchi game, and a vocal song for Luminous Arc 3.
- ACE+ handled tracks for field exploration, event scenes, and battles
- Mitsuda’s only involvement was the composition of the vocal song “Beyond the Sky”, with lyrics written by Takahashi
