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Xenoblade - even more music details

by rawmeatcowboy
06 June 2010
GN Version 3.1

- some songs feature an electric instrument among stringed instruments
- Takahashi wanted a battle song that would “destroy the atmosphere of the battle a bit”
- Takahashi would create sample songs for composers, but then the composers would end up making songs that didn’t sound original
- this resulted in many emails back and forth that involved restructuring songs
- Takahashi actually used a third party to send out these emails, in order to keep the requests from sounding too harsh
- according to Kiyota, there were far more negative responses to songs than positive
- it usually took a few different email responses to get a song that was approved
- Kiyota actually believes the email process helped her create new types of songs, saying: “Wow, I didn’t know I could compose like this before.”
- “We can’t have the world in pieces. A feeling of unity is important!”- Takahashi
- It took approximately half the production time before the number of “redo” emails started going down
- Kiyota and Chico each invited the other to their houses in order to get a better idea of how and where they were composing
- Kiyota even changed the computer program she used to match Chico’s
- Mitsuda was seen as the person that understood Takahashi’s requests the best
