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Official Nintendo Mag UK

by rawmeatcowboy
08 March 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Thanks to beard6801 for the info! New Twilight Princess info on the way?

onm1 nextmonth

Kevin from The Revolution Lifestyle has posted this info, but he also claims that the planned article has been scrapped. What do you think…will it show up or not?

*UPDATE* This article has been confirmed scrapped. Thanks to Sunnym for the info! This message was posted on the Official Nintendo Mag UK forums by one of the magazine staff members.

Just thought I should let people know about a few things that will not be in issue 2, despite the fact that we have asked you to look forward to them…

1. Twilight Princess has fallen through AGAIN. Whatever NCL is planning it had better be soon, but I’m guessing it won’t be until GDC now (March 20-22). Sorry, we’re gonna stop promising it now. I’m sure you can understand we get quite excited when we get told we’ll be allowd to print the new screens. . .