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Machinarium Soundtrack vinyl re-released

by rawmeatcowboy
22 October 2010
GN Version 3.1


Both Amanita Design and Minority Records have been receiving requests from Machinarium game owners longing for the vinyl version of the 14 song soundtrack that has already been out-of-print since the end of May. In between May and October, Machinarium game has been nominated for the Milthon European Games Awards, Develop Awards and most importantly Machinarium picked up Best Soundtrack Award according to PC Gamer!

I’m glad to report that limited LP reissue is underway, it’s an edition of 245 hand-numbered copies on black vinyl with different color on the rear side of the jacket, again contains three art reproductions by Adolf Lachman and features a coupon with a code to download MP3/FLAC versions of the album. This edition is not signed by Tomas Dvorak.

Preorders of this edition are accepted now here and LPs will ship on December 8th. Be quick this time to reserve your copy!
